Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Open your eyes

Wake up, stranger, and witness well:
Your future does the sea fortell
Swing, you will, (believe in me)
On the spiral of your galaxy
Like a bird of prey in flawless flight
Come see your world in black and white
Embrace, you will, the skies above
In the reddestrush of strangest love
In the blackesthole of your own desire
Twist your spark into a fire
Push, you will, across, beyond
Your mind is but your magic wand
Screwed, you are, if you close your brain
Feel, stranger, go insane!
Screwed, you are, sucked straight in
The proof is in your crawling skin
Indeed, you are, just a verse
In a poem called The Universe.


  1. The last line is brilliant. Really good stuff.

  2. I write too. And would like to share...

    Do check out, n keep them writes comin.

    Cheers and regards,
