Saturday, August 8, 2009

A toast

Confusion : a dire affair.
And so I write with careful air:
Here's to you, I declare,
And here is to your scarlet hair;
And here's to the sleepysummerrain,
Here's to you, againandagain;
Here's to auburnafternoons,
And our own reflections on coffee spoons;
Here's to our wildest night,
And drunken caresses in drunken light;
Here's to infatuation, and daydreams galore,
And to empty bottles rolling blindly on your marble floor;
Here's to ashtrays overstuffed with cigarette ends,
Here's to compromise, to make amends;
Here's to faliure, and advice,
Here's to the beginning of enterprise;
Here's to you, I declare,
And here is to your scarlet hair.

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